A Better Way - February 16th
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany | A Better Way | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | NOTE: Due to technic...
Description: World Communion Sunday celebrated outside on the east lawn.
Continuing our sermon series on Acts, You are My Witnesses, Part II
Scripture Readings: Joel 2:28-32a & Acts 2:12, 17-21
Date: Sunday, October 4, 2020
Topics: Sermon Series on the Book of Acts
Pastor: Rev. Kate Morgan
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany | A Better Way | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | NOTE: Due to technic...
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany | Scout Sunday | First in Service | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | Spe...
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany | Communion Sunday | Love is a Verb | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | ...