A Better Way - February 16th
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany | A Better Way | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | NOTE: Due to technic...
Description: Reformation Sunday | The Three Reformers | Pastor Kate Morgan, CRE Ginny Jones, Music Director, Ryan Pryslak | The Chancel Choir of Church of the Covenant, Choral Scholars of Church of the Covenant, Jeff Edwards, bagpipes, and Mary Ann Champion, organ
Date: Sunday, October 31, 2021
Topics: Reformation Sunday
Pastor: Pastor Kate Morgan, CRE Ginny Jones, Music Directory, Ryan Pryslak
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany | A Better Way | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | NOTE: Due to technic...
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany | Scout Sunday | First in Service | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | Spe...
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany | Communion Sunday | Love is a Verb | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | ...