A Better Way - February 16th
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany | A Better Way | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | NOTE: Due to technic...
Description: We begin our Sermon Series, "You Are My Witnesses," on the Book of Acts this week! Come learn about the early church and how our lives and mission mirror
the disciples so long ago. Scripture: Acts 1:1-11, 2:32-39
Date: Sunday, September 27, 2020
Topics: Strange Beginnings and Unwelcome Messages
Pastor: Pastor Kate Morgan
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany | A Better Way | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | NOTE: Due to technic...
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany | Scout Sunday | First in Service | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | Spe...
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany | Communion Sunday | Love is a Verb | Pastor Mark Douyard, preaching | ...